It is part of the StrongMen mission that we promote the benefits of men seeking help for their mental and emotional health by not being afraid or ashamed to speak out and admit they need some support. It is vital that this message is promoted in schools as part of a child's education.
Men are still reluctant to open up even in modern society with all the campaigns promoting the need to talk. It may take a generation or two to change this mind set but StrongMen will do all we can to make this happen. It all starts with the kids!
The support of your school is vital to the ongoing development of StrongMen and our services. There are so many fun things your school can do to raise much needed funds for Strongmen. Both Dan & Efrem, StrongMen co-founders are available to host an informative presentation or interactive workshop to your pupils in return for a committed fundraising day at your school.
Here are some seriously fun ways you can support StrongMen:
Dress down day
Always a firm favourite - what’s not to like about not having to wear school uniform for the day? You could ask each pupil for a suggested donation of £1 per pupil for taking part.
Bake Off competition and sale!
The great British Bake Off at your school, need I say more! – whether you like baking cakes or just eating them! Encourage your fellow pupils to donate some cakes or tray bakes to sell.
What parent, grandparent doesn’t love an evening out watching their children sing, dance and act their hearts out on stage at the local school? Whether it’s a Christmas production or something more ambitious like your own version of hit musicals such as Grease, Glee and High School Musical or even a modern version of a Shakespear classic. This is a great way to raise funds, educate and have fun all in one!
Sponsored Walk/Event
Walking is one of the tools StrongMen promote to increase our physical health so a school walk fits in beautifully with that ethos. If you are feeling really daring, how about attempting to break a world record as a school? Now there’s a thought.
Sports day/Sports match
As the warmer months come in, why not organise a charity sports event or sports day? Teachers against pupils always generates a lot of interest. You can sell refreshments, create a program for local businesses to advertise and learn how to market an event. On the face of it, this is just a sports event, but its yet another way to incorporate education and skills into creating, planning and delivering an event and everything that goes with it.
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Have your own ideas?
Tell us what you plan on doing and we may be able to advise or help you in some way!
Let us know what you are up to by emailing Hello@StrongMen.org.uk