Leave a gift in your will

“By leaving a gift in your will to StrongMen, you will be directly supporting those you leave behind, giving them greater opportunity to access the support that is proven to help men deal with the mental and emotional struggles they face”

To bequeath a charitable gift to StrongMen in your Will, you will need to provide you solicitor or Will maker with the following information:

Registered charity number in England and Wales: 1184242
Registered address: Amelia House, Crescent Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1RL

What different types of gift can I leave?
• A specific gift is a possession or item such as jewellery, property or shares.
• A pecuniary gift is a financial donation of a fixed amount. However, because of inflation, these are liable to depreciate during the course of your lifetime. That’s why some people may prefer to leave a residuary gift.
• A residuary gift is all or part/percentage of what is left of your estate once your other wishes have been carried out.

How will StrongMen use my gift?
The team behind StrongMen are dedicated and fully committed to developing a charity that helps thousands of people per year. We would kindly ask that you please consider an unrestricted gift towards our charitable work. This will mean that we can make sure your legacy is used most effectively, spending it wherever the need is greatest at the time.

Will this impact inheritance tax?
In most cases, your gift to StrongMen will be exempt from inheritance tax. Your solicitor or Will maker should explain how to make your Will as tax efficient as possible. It is possible to reduce the rate of inheritance tax for people who leave at least 10% of their estate to charity. This can be explained in greater detail by a solicitor.

Should I tell StrongMen about the gift in my Will?
We’d love to hear from you if you want to share your amazing arrangement but completely understand if you wish for it to remain private. Sharing your story with us can help us to inspire many more people to do the same.
Finally, know that the gift in your Will, is going to help someone that so desperately needs it and we are immensely grateful. Thank you.

Remember us in your will

Visit Remember A Charity’s website for advice on making a Will and leaving a gift to charity.



Save up to 20% off will writing with CO-OP Legal Services

Also, for supporters of StrongMen, The Co-operative Legal Services are offering to write a basic single Will at a 20% discount which will cost £99 plus VAT and represents a saving of £30 per single Will. To contact a Wills specialist, call on 0330 606 9578 and quote RACWILLS01 or use this link to get started

Co operative legal services

Related Pages:

Just Giving

We have a Just Giving page which you can use for your events.

Visit our Just Giving page

Visit our Crowdfunder page, which operates with 0% fees

Visit our Crowdfunder page

Have your own ideas?

Tell us what you plan on doing and we may be able to advise or help you in some way!
Let us know what you are up to by emailing Hello@StrongMen.org.uk